Friday, December 18, 2009

Should I take my car for an oil change?

It is due for its first oil change at 7500 miles, but it only has 3000 right now. I bought it back in October 22, 2007.

The company already sent me a letter saying I should take it for its first free maintenance oil change. What should I do. It is a 4 door VolvoShould I take my car for an oil change?
Yeah, I get the oil changed on a new car a 3K just to play safe. You then should follow the maintenance schedule, or if you car has a built in oil monitor that. The 3 months 3K mile thing was they way to go with older cars. And I always recommend synthetic oil after 3K miles. You will get some more power and a little bit of mileage out of it. You cannot deny the benefits of synthetic oil over regular oil. There are many studies out there.Should I take my car for an oil change?
Ford, the parent company of Volvo has just increased the suggested oil change interval to 7,500 miles.

In my opinion this plan would be perfect if you planned to use a full synthetic motor oil.

Winter months are very severe on conventional motor oil. In town slow driving causes condensation, impurities from piston ring blow-by and motor oil slugging can easily be prevented with the increased beneficial properties in synthetic motor oil.

In my opinion If you don't want to insure your investment with the extra cost of the best (synthetic) motor oil protection at least shorten the oil changes to 5,000 miles during cold weather and 7,500 in the Summer.
check the oil on the dipstick if it still clear then wait and check it again at 5000 miles. For a new car I'm sure the oil would look clear and not dark. Make sure the level of the oil stays inside those two dots or keep it closer on the last one. Just a reminder heat consumes oil.
if the company is going to do it for you, go for it. that will save you from getting all dirty.
Your supposed to change your oil and filter every 3000 miles or 3 months it is time to change it
i would --3000 miles is rigtht about when you want to change it --every 3000---

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