Friday, December 18, 2009

When I start the car the Change Oil Soon light stays on for 30 sec. What's wrong? It's a chevy lumina.

I have a 2000 Chevy Lumina and the Change Oil Soon light comes on for 30 seconds to about 2 minutes, then it goes out and doesn't come back on again until I restart the car. I bought it used and i've had it for about 1 month and a half. The oil level is good but I haven't gotten an oil change yet.When I start the car the Change Oil Soon light stays on for 30 sec. What's wrong? It's a chevy lumina.
ur getting close to needing an oil change. its coming on to let u know. when it comes on and stays on its over due. make sure when they change the oil they reset the lightWhen I start the car the Change Oil Soon light stays on for 30 sec. What's wrong? It's a chevy lumina.
actually when the oil light comes on it means there is a problem with the oil pump, it doesn't mean you need your oil changed... so if it comes on and you can drive it alot and your engine doesn't blow up (cause when there is an actual problem with the oil pump the engine will siege up and destroy it self) it means there is just a problem with the electronics so if you go to a mechanic they will fix it. and you shouldn't need an oil change yet if you have only had your car for a month and a half unless you did a few trips across the country
The change oil light has nothing to do with the oil pressure light. There is a different light for that. The change oil light comes on after a parameter for the computer has been met. How many key cycles, duration of trip, miles on oil, temperature outside ect. If you get the oil changed at an independant make sure they can reset the light. If they cant the information is in your owners manual.
just time to change the oil do it! Now did you get that oil change done, Yes now I can talk to you, ARE YOU SURE! dirty oil wears out motors!!! oil light reset...Turn the key till the warning lights go on now step on the gas to the carpet and let up three times in about four seconds oil warning will flash and go out.
My parents I have a 2001 Chevy Lamina that does the same thing.

The reason why their car does that is they keep putting Pennzoil brand oil in their car.

I have told them over and over not to use Pennzoil but my step father is hell bend on it no matter what I say.

You might try to change your brand of oil to either Wal-Mart's Super Tech brand or Valvoline brand.

Also you might want to put the original brand of Oil filter on it as well which is AC-Delco. Don't use a Fram Oil filter, they cause problems with a lot of GM vehicles oiling system.

Hope this helps.

We did have a 1997 Lamina which we used Valvoline Oil and AC-Delco Filters with and the oil light never came on except for the 4 second bulb check on startup.
The computer inside of the car is programmed to start showing that at a predetermined interval. To get it off, refer to the owners manual and it will tell you step by step on how to get the light to stop showing up. Only problem is that it will do it the next time it hits the predetermined interval
It means that you need to change your oil.
Either it means you need to change your oil or the people that changed it last did not reset the light for 3,000 miles.
maybe you need to o'l change the oil the filter is prob dirty
Take it to a Chevrolet Dealer and have it changed and greased. They will reset the light for you and are very reasonably priced
There is nothing wrong, it just needs resetting. Each time the oil is changed the light has to be reset. With the ignition key in RUN but engine off, fully push and release the accelerator pedel slowly three times within five seconds If the CHG OIL SOON light flashes, the systyem is reseting Turn the key to OFF then start the vehicle. If the CHG OIL SOON light comes back on the system has not reset. Repeat prosedure. This is stright from my 1998 Lumina oweners manuel.
if you don't know when the oil was changed last then get it changed and then you can reset the light. Actually you can reset it whenever you want. You have to turn the key forward to then on position(not starting it) then press the gas pedal all the way to the floor 3 times and the light will blink. then turn your key off and start your car the light should be out. But make sure your not due first. It could be time or it could be that the light just wasn't reset the last time.

wow harry cat that is the dumbest answer I have ever heard congratulations.
get your oil changed and then see if the light goes out, if it doesn't there is a problem in the light circuit.
Some cars make you reset the oil change light. On mine pontiac (made by gm as well) you have to hold in the trip odometer for 12 seconds while the key is forward (engine still off) to reset it.
Change the oil.

If the light still comes on take it back to where it was purchased. For 1.5 months since you bought it, you shouldn't have a problem. They should have inspected it before it was sold to you.

Good luck!
than perhaps you should change the oil and if it comes back on after that than take it in and have it checked

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