Friday, December 18, 2009

If i add oil to my car's oil tank will that delay my oil change?

I'm a very busy guy and i need to get an oil change, the problem is that i have to drive 1 1/2 hours to get to my dealership to get the oil changed in order to have my warranty extended. If i just put some fresh oil on top of what i had, shouldnt that extend oil life a few days? i just think it makes sense that it would.If i add oil to my car's oil tank will that delay my oil change?
If you aren't worried about keeping the warranty on your vehicle then yes, you can just add oil. But I would want the warranty because it costs a hell of alot to replace or rebuild a motor when it blows. And it still isn't good for your vehicle to just add oil. It needs fresh oil to get rid of all the dirt and crap that is in the oil now.If i add oil to my car's oil tank will that delay my oil change?
It literally takes 10 minutes to change oil (well, if the mechanics any good!), maybe you could ring the dealership and explain to them you need it doing so you can extend your warranty, but have a lot going on, could they do it while you wait?

I think that would be the best thing, else you will still end up either losing your extended warranty, or paying for an oil change after you've done it yourself?
Adding to angels comment,when your oil gets dirty your filter can get clogged. When this happens a bypass valve on the filter housing will open allowing the dirt and carbon waste in the oil to flow to the bearings and rings,shortening engine life greatly.Tolerances will increase quickly.

Changing oil is not about how much oil is there. If you have an oil leak, then yes, adding some oil between changes is a good idea, but other than that your car does not use oil. The same oil they put in there last time is in there now.

Adding more would overfill it which is bad.

Over time the carbon breaks down and no longer provides good lubrication. It also get lots of little particles in it that make it less smooth. It has to be completely changed. Adding some small amount will make no difference.
A few days won't matter but . It's not just that it loses it's lubrication. what you have to realize is that old oild is very acidic and it eats away at the metal parts of the engine. Of you ared low on oil adding it is ok, otherwise I'd add an oil additive which will temporarily restore some of the oils lubricating ability
Very safe to mix fresh (even different brand) oil with old...... just it won't help anything nor hurt anything (probablly make you feel better at the most)

Just go to the dealer and don't worry.
no that could start a fire
No, wrong concept. Just get it changed as soon as you can get to it.
if you cannot produce documentation that your vehicle was serviced at the appropriate intervals your warranty won't be worth the paper it is written on. it's up to you to keep up with your end of the warranty agreement.
no dont do that its not safe and its not rigth !!! if you cant go to your dealership then just take it to a regular mechanic!!! it will be safe and you wont ruin your car by makin it wait
sounds about right
If having a oil change done on your vehicle is too inconvenient for u, then u need to reevaluate your need for a vehicle in the 1st place...I agree with most of the other posts.
no - get the oil changed - cheaper than having it blow up on you, and then having to buy a new car

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