Friday, December 18, 2009

When I do my own lube and oil change on my car?

can i use liquid wrench as the lube? just spray it all over the ball joints, and everything else down there?When I do my own lube and oil change on my car?
these days, most parts are lubed for other words they are ungreasable.heck alot of driveshafts these days are not greasable.when you get a replacement u joint, get one with grease fittingsWhen I do my own lube and oil change on my car?
ha, ha. no that won,t work. sorry for laughing! for the ball joints and tie rods you need a grease gun and a tube of you can use something silicone spray on stuff like body mounts and rubber bushings but it wn,t work on ball joints and tie rods.
Liquid wrench will remove the squeaks until you run through water. A grease gun and grease is what you need. If you don't know what zerks are, they are also called grease fittings and you will find them on everything that needs grease
use chassis grease or better and inject it into the servicable steering and or suspension joints wherever there is a ZERK for doing so, however, some bushing locations may be lubed with a silicone based lubricant.
Not advisable. zerks, never heard em called that before. We call em Nipples. ;) They are not always found where grease should go. Most of the time they've got grub screws in em %26amp; you have to fit the nipps. either way grease grease grease!!!
No, try gasoline and lite it on fire. J/K, Get a car maitenance manual from your local car parts dealer and read the directions.
most new cars do not have grease zerks to grease so can not lube and a waste of time to spray and can do a oil change anytime you like
You need to buy a grease gun to lube the ball joints and tie rod ends if the have grease zerks.

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