Friday, December 18, 2009

I just had my serpentine belt/belt tensioner replaced and an oil change, now my car is conking out. Why?

I just had my serpentine belt/belt tensioner replaced and an oil change, now my car is conking out. It mostly happens in the morning. My RPMs race up and down then the car goes off and I need to put it in neutral and restart it. This happens only when at a stop and mostly in the morning time. Any reason to why this is happening? Is it related to the recent repair?I just had my serpentine belt/belt tensioner replaced and an oil change, now my car is conking out. Why?
not related, check for stuff someplace other than your last repair. why do you think they're related?I just had my serpentine belt/belt tensioner replaced and an oil change, now my car is conking out. Why?
it may sound silly but! did you check the oil yourself?

I had an oil change and they forgot to put the new oil in.

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