Friday, December 18, 2009

For a Honda car should you change oil at fixed miles or when on-board comptuer says it is due?

I have a 2005 Honda Odessy and a 2006 Civic. Computer uses driving data to determine when to advise servicing. Local mechanicals say do it at regular intervals. One mechanic says 3000 miles, one says 5000 miles and one says 7500 miles.For a Honda car should you change oil at fixed miles or when on-board comptuer says it is due?
It looks at rpm, how long you drive and things like that..... some have had they're gm engines trip around 12 or so thousand miles, did a oil analysis and the monitor did its job fairly well..... One says 3,000 because he wants to make money, one says 5,000 because he probablly does this himself...... the other who says 7500 knows more then the other two.For a Honda car should you change oil at fixed miles or when on-board comptuer says it is due?
All kinds of variables with your question, I'd go with the vehicle's computor only if I'm sure the correct oil is being used, and a dealer or doing it yourself is only way to know for sure, most newer performance vehicles suggest synthetic oil, and that is a factor with your computor, it also factors your driving habits, miles and time, but doesnt factor oil consumption as your engine ages or leaks that may develop, you do have an oil level sensor but it comes on when your more than 2 qts low, so either go with your pc and check level once in awhile or go with an interval and hope your getting a good oil
you can go 5,000 miles first because its a Honda but i think you Manuel says to replace the oil filter every other oil change but i am old school and replace the filter whenever i change the oil i would check the oil and this may sound dumb but smell the oil and rub it between your fingers to feel its smooth or dark in color But with oils changes I would not go to to Quickie oil change i rather have it done at the dealer ship But 5,000 is okay 3,000 if you live in the hills or lots of stop and go traffic
Lube-oil need to be changed periodically depending upon three factors, the mileage, type/quality of oil and the period the oil has been filled if running is not critical.

Oil manufacturers suggest the mileage after which the oil has to be changed. In case the running is not much oil should preferably be changed after about Six months, in case running target is not achieved within this time.

May be all the mechanics are correct suggesting the mileage as low quality oils need frequent oil-change as compared to the refined and high quality oils.

Best is to go for the oil manufacturer's prescribed mileage/life to change the oil. If printed description is not available on the packing it can be obtained through their website or customer service centers.
You should change oil based on your honda car/van auto manual; plus or minus 500-1000miles would'nt matter!
with most cars today, you really shouldnt have to change the oil until at least 5000 miles.

I am very confident that your 06 civic probably wont need changed until at least 7500. I have an 06 Acura RSX Type -S and it doesnt need it until 10000 miles.
Do what you wish. But form my experiance I would not wait for the light to come on. Although I think Honda has done a better job with this than Gm. My Trail-blazer has an oil life index and I thought I would see how well it worked. Well it took 12,000 miles before it said change oil. Just thought you would like to know.
You should use the computer in the car. The computer would be more accurate when changing the oil. When you use a fix mile their so many service stations that require different mileage oil changes. So you really don't know the exact miles you should change your oil.The car does.
read the owners manual
You should always check your oil every 3ooo miles, if it looks black it's time to change . Other wise to be on the safe side I'd change it every three months.
I had a '97 Honda Civic and we had to change it every 3500 miles. The OBC will indicate when you need a service done on the cars. There is a little panel on the interment panel in front of the steering wheel and it should be green now, it will turn yellow when you are past your service only a few miles and red when you are way past the mileage. On my old Honda we had to do mini services at 7500, 15,000, 45,000 and so on and the major services at 30,000, 60,000 and 90,000 miles. Call the dealership or look in the service manual for the specific mileage for your specific cars. Try

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