Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can you Change Car oil?

this is just a surveyCan you Change Car oil?

But for a survey, and to post this question in the Maintenance and Repairs section, don't you think your answers will be biased?Can you Change Car oil?
yea, i do it all the time on my car.
Yes. Do it all the time; had to for class. I also change my own oil most of the time. I have a Mini Cooper S, so it's got the BMW style element filter that's easy to get to. This time I'll be changing out my oil pan gasket because it's leaking, and adding a reduction supercharger pulley while I'm there. I'll probably be changing belts, too.

I love working on my own stuff.'s just a pain to do though, so I let the quicky lube folks do it.
Yup! BMW charges $120!! I do mine for less than $40. It only takes a bout a half an hour.
Umm yes.

Can you put gas in?

and I am extremely addition to all of my other wonderful qualities.
Yes, Changing your own oil is one of the simplest maintenance routines to learn. Anyone can do it.

The hassle of doing it yourself is getting rid of the used oil. You can't just toss it away or pour it down the drain.
Yes! It is very simple, save big of your money and time if do it yourself.
I can change mine, I change change yours too.
Yes, I know how, but I can take it down and pay someone $20 to do it, so I never do. I figure you're talking $10-$15 in oil and filter, plus the time and effort. I'll just pay the shop to do it so I don't have to get nasty and dirty. I'm willing to give the extra $5 so I don't have to.
Yepper...I never do anymore but I boy is 9 now so pretty soon I'll have to do it again and get him to help change the oil so he understands how to do it.

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